Tuesday, October 20, 2009

October 20, 2009

Why is it that my oldest daughter is the one who can make me the maddest!!! All we asked for was a little help from all of the kids to help clean things up, and she sat on her butt and did something on that stupid computer. Finally, we made our way to the couch to vacuum it and she still wasn't moving. So I unplugged her computer, boy did she blow her top!! She acts so immature I cannot believe it sometimes. Blames things on Brandon, which was totally out of line. And she does this all the time. She is so picked on, and has so much to do that maybe a half hour later, she left to go hang out with the brother of the person she used to be dating. Which is another thing that really irritates me. I advised her to move on and not to pursue a relationship with the brother of someone she was dating before, But to Brittney- I must be one dumb Mom!

Now that the venting is done, we were watching TV and a commercial came on that had a lot of money in it, Dad asked Justin and Alena what they would buy with the money. Justin's response was a gun. Alena's was clothes and shoes. Dad's response to Alena-- She's such a girly girl. Funny kids.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

October 1, 2009


Well, I guess what we have been doing really does sink in.
We were getting the kids ready for bed, it was later than usual so Brian suggested that we skip reading our scriptures before bed. Alena immediately pleaded "please" (meaning that she did not want to skip reading our scriptures), so we read before we put them to bed. I am very pleased with my little Alena, and for her keeping us on the right track. Thanks, Kiddo.