Friday, December 4, 2009

December 4,2009

Reflecting on past Christmases and we remembered Justin asking for Santa to put a carrot in his sock instead of an orange.

Brandon thinks we should leave out cheese for Santa.

Brittney (a long time ago) didn't want to go down stairs on Christmas morning- afraid Santa was still there.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

November 22, 2009

I am very thankful for many things. But have an overwhelming feeling of failure a lot lately. I really hope that I never caused my parents to feel the way that I feel lately.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Pheasant Hunting

Brian and Brandon went pheasant hunting today for the first time. They had a guide and were able to get four pheasants. I think they had a good time. We had pheasent tacos for dinner. Alena didn't want to try them. She has had something for a couple days with a fever. No fever all day long until about an hour before dinner, and it decided to return. So she ate chicken taco instead of pheasant.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

November 4, 2009

Can't believe that it is November already!!!
I have a new favorite singer. His name is Darius Rucker, and the song that I really like is "It won't be like this for long", although I do like some of his others also. I look at my kids and the stages that they are in right now, and just really like the song and how it makes me feel like I should enjoy my kids and what they are doing now.

Alena, Justin, and Nicole had a good time trick or treating on halloween. We had a fun day carving our giganic pumpkins (pics coming soon), which we didn't know that was the variety that we planted.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

October 20, 2009

Why is it that my oldest daughter is the one who can make me the maddest!!! All we asked for was a little help from all of the kids to help clean things up, and she sat on her butt and did something on that stupid computer. Finally, we made our way to the couch to vacuum it and she still wasn't moving. So I unplugged her computer, boy did she blow her top!! She acts so immature I cannot believe it sometimes. Blames things on Brandon, which was totally out of line. And she does this all the time. She is so picked on, and has so much to do that maybe a half hour later, she left to go hang out with the brother of the person she used to be dating. Which is another thing that really irritates me. I advised her to move on and not to pursue a relationship with the brother of someone she was dating before, But to Brittney- I must be one dumb Mom!

Now that the venting is done, we were watching TV and a commercial came on that had a lot of money in it, Dad asked Justin and Alena what they would buy with the money. Justin's response was a gun. Alena's was clothes and shoes. Dad's response to Alena-- She's such a girly girl. Funny kids.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

October 1, 2009


Well, I guess what we have been doing really does sink in.
We were getting the kids ready for bed, it was later than usual so Brian suggested that we skip reading our scriptures before bed. Alena immediately pleaded "please" (meaning that she did not want to skip reading our scriptures), so we read before we put them to bed. I am very pleased with my little Alena, and for her keeping us on the right track. Thanks, Kiddo.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

September 19,2009

Well I am constantly amazed at how stupid people get when they get behind the wheel of a vehicle. We went to Salt Lake yesterday, and we were at an intersection where the power was out, and three or four people go through the intersection at one time. Like they owned the road, like they were better than the other people at the intersection.
And how often are you driving and have somebody fly by you driving very wreck less, to later end up right there at an intersection down the road 20 or so miles. Just a little venting. But smile!!!!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

September 12,2009

I am proud of my Awesome husband today. He rode a leg (one of the hardest--3600 feet of elevation gain) of the Lotoja today with a group, and preliminary time was that they took 9th place of the relay riders!!! There was between 60 and 65 relay teams. He is such an inspiration for me. He is truly Awesome!!!

This is one sexy leg with a cool tattoo on it!!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

August 29. 2009

What a busy Day!!!
Brian, Brandon and I rode the metric century. It's just over 60 miles on a bike. We averaged about 17 miles per hour (for me that's pretty good). It was just over 3 1/2 hours on the bike. Then I came back home did 6 or more loads of laundry, went to the grocery store. and Brian took us out for some pizza and did a couple more errands. Hopefully I'll be able to sleep tonight.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

August 26, 2009

Well the kids have only been back to school for only a week, and I already don't like it. Everyone is much more irritable, and I don't seem to get any more done. A lot of people say that you have so much more time. I guess it has to do with the fact that I have two in college when my youngest is going to first grade.

So along with all the other thing we have to do, we play chauffeur twice a day, add homework, and have irritable kids to the list. The joys of school. YA!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

August 19, 2009

I am feeling very anxious right now about my kids going back to school. I just want summer days to keep on going.... I love my kids being at home, even if there is more messes to clean up, and more arguing. I think they just try to fit it in after school anyway. I can't believe that I have a first grader and two in college. I really am getting old!!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

August 4,2009

You know that your kids are growing way too fast when your littlest comes and cuddles in the chair with you, and you look down at those precious little feet and wonder when they grew so big (although they are really not that big). So often I keep thinking that I would like to just slow down time so we could enjoy some of the little things more!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Where did that come from?

I was putting my wallet back into my purse after buying cheese at Gossners and found a stick that I think Justin dropped into my purse at Bear Lake. Funny kid--fun memories! It made me smile.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Wish big!

Inspiration today was birthdays! Fun and exciting times for kids. I also used crystal effects to embellish these cards. I placed the card on a dark background to help it show up on the screen.


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I wanted to use the "burmuda bay" in color today. I also used the "wedding sweet" stamp set.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Thanks Card

Congratulations Card

I have missed a couple of days due to our little camping trip, and doing wash afterwards.

I really like the new in colors, especially the rich razzleberry. I made the green "thanks" card awhile ago but decided to post it with the "congratulations" card that I did today. The designer series paper that I used with it is "cottage wall".

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Sand Castle

Bear Lake

We went camping over at the north shore of Bear Lake with Nicole, Justin and Alena. We had a good time playing in the water and making this sand castle. Justin thought the frog his Dad caught was pretty cool, and decided that his new wish for a pet would be a frog. It was a short little camping trip. But, I think the kids had a good time.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I really liked this new background stamp, called medallion. I used markers in the new in colors.

If you would like to order from the Stampin' Up! website, you can go to the link, choose find a demonstrator, then type my name in the spaces on the left with Utah as the state. It will ask you to leave me an e-mail and then I will contact you. Thanks!!

Monday, July 6, 2009

It's my Dad's birthday in a couple days, so I thought I would start off by showing the card that I made to send to him.
Inside sentiment reads; Hope your day is PAR-FECT!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

I have decided to join in the blogers. I really don't know what I am doing yet, but I'll figure it out as we go along.

I hope to be able to post news about the Anne and my Card Club. Enjoy little tidbits about what is going on with my family, and maybe even write something. ( I am not a writer)!!!