Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Day 2 Nica

July 11, 2012 Got up and made it to the church where the switches and things were at. We were there for about a half an hour before Brandon arrived. WOW, it was great to see him. It was a looooooonnnnnnnggggg meeting when you cannot understand what's going on. Then we were invited to go to lunch with all the missionaries that were leaving.  We went and rented a car and drove around Managua for a little while until it started to pour. We went back to the hotel and relaxed for a while. On our way to the mission presidents home for a little meeting (where I still could not understand a lot of what was going on) we pulled out of the hotel parking area and went around the corner. A policeman wanted us to pull over to the side of the road and we did. He told us that we illegally changed lanes (with a lot of help through Brandons translation) and he wanted license and registration, and he was going to give us a ticket. He took it back and came back and said he was going to give is a ticket, 400 cordobas, which is about $20 and take Brian's license away. He went back to his vehicle and a different cop came up and said he can take his license away and pay at the bank tomorrow or we could pay the policeman now. We chose the pay now option. All a bribe. The two just pocket the money. Later at the mission presidents home we found out that the police cannot take your license away either if it is not a Nicaraguan license. Brian thought it was funny and now he can say he has been pulled over in more than one country. Back to the hotel and got a small dinner during their "happy hour".

1 comment:

  1. I'm enjoying reading your updates! I bet it was amazing to see that missionary!!
