Friday, July 13, 2012

Day 4 Nica

July 13, 2012 Got up and got ready. Drove to Masaya to an active volcano. We had to wear hard hats, and when you park the car, you back into the spot so that if it erupts you can make a quick get away. The stairs going up to the top were closed off because they had an eruption the first part of April and they were unsafe to go up them. But you could still go look over the edge, could not see much because it is smoking. They only wanted you to stay for about 20 minutes at the top because of the sulfuric gases that it gives off. Then we went shopping for some gifts and we got a guitar for Brandon that was made here in Masaya. It takes about a month for them to make them. It was made of cedar wood.  We went to Catarina to another little shopping area with a nice overlook of laguna de apoyo. Drove back to Managua to a mall and had some TCBY ( not very tasty) and bought some expensive fruit that brandon had to try. Then back to the hotel for a little dinner and relax.

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