Saturday, July 14, 2012

Day 5 Nica

July 14, 2012 Got up and went the Volcan Mombacho. It is a big volcano with four craters at the top. They took us up in the back of a pickup truck and stopped at a little stop where you could try some of the best coffee in Nicaragua. The beans are grown right there on the mountainside. Although I would not know how good it really was. Then we got back in the truck for a steep ride up to the top where they tell you about the craters and the hikes that are available. We chose the guided tour that was suppose to be an intermediate hike. I would say it was more than intermediate. Lots of stairs uuuuppppppp.  The first two craters that you pass are caused by a collapse underground and the third was caused by an avalanche. And the fourth one was one that still smokes. To hike to that one was a hard hike that took four or more hours on top of what we were doing, that we chose not to do. The vegetation was really dense and the clouds were low enough they caused condensation on the leaves which then dripped on you. We saw all sorts of plants and even saw a couple of monkeys. Mostly heard them. The guide was really good at answering our questions. He spoke some english. We had a good time.  Then we drove into Grenada and found a spot to have lunch. They were slow and by the time we got it, it was almost three o'clock. Then we went to a families home that Brandon helped baptize them. I was really hot and I think I went too long without getting some food after the hike and stuff, and did not feel very well. They were really nice and gave us some food (I could not eat it). The family makes things out of leather. And gave me a wallet made out of alligator. Pretty awesome. Then Brandon stopped by another home to say goodbye and we went back to Managua. Was feeling much better after getting cooled down and food digested. Relaxed in the hotel and off to bed.

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