Sunday, July 15, 2012

Day 6 Nica

July 15, 2012 Today we got up early and drove about an hour and a half to Boaco to go to church. Then we ate pupusas for lunch at sister Elsa's home. Brandon stayed in her basement when he lived in Boaco. We went and saw another sister that he baptized I think. Sister Teressa, I think. She lived in the poorest humble home that we have seen. She also fed us tajatas, fried plantain chips.  In Boaco today was the "festival of dancing horses" and the streets of Boaco are very hilly, steep, narrow and curvy. So with all those people there it made it hard to get around. Brian was really tired of driving in Boaco by the time we headed back to Managua. We went to another area cinudad San Juan tonight, where he showed us the home where he lived in that area and went to the familia Zeledon home that lived close to where he did. They have a nine year old daughter, Masiaella, I think. She is a beautiful little girl and it was so sweet to see how attached she had become to Brandon. She cried when he left. We have taken fotos of the families while we are there, and she had to pose for all of them. Brandon told us that she was quite the ham in the fotos of her baptism day.  Time to relax and recooperate for our last day in Nicaragua. It has been quite a blessing to be able to see the seed of the gospel being spread and how the influence of one missionary, and then likewise, one member of a family can start a chain reaction for generations to come. Brandon had truly touched the hearts of many people here.

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